7 Ways to Rank Higher on Google Maps
7 Ways to Rank Higher on Google Maps Are you looking forward to get the most out of local SEO for your business? Then you should think about getting your business ranked higher on Google Maps. Numerous methods are available for you to secure higher rankings on Google...

What is a Local SEO 3-Pack and How to Optimize for the Google Local 3-Pack
Introduction: What is a Local 3-Pack? Put in simple words, a local 3-pack is the display of the top 3 relevant local searches on the first page of the search result. If a user searches for “restaurants near me”, then Google understands that they are looking for local...

The Top 10 Benefits of SEO to Your Business
Benefits of SEO to Your Business1. SEO Leads to Better User Experience There are many ways you can improve your website and maximize user experience. This includes providing your audience with relevant information, related photos or videos to support text, easy to...

Local SEO and Why It’s Important
Local SEO is the strategy of creating more awareness about local business using the online domain through suitable use of location-based keywords. You may have some of the best products and services for the local market but they won’t sell much if the local customers...

Good content ideas to post for social media
Source: Constant Contact What’s the hardest part of using social media for your business or organization? If you’re like most small business owners, coming up with content is at the top of your list. Whether it’s finding the time to create content, or just figuring...

Google rolling out mobile-first indexing to more sites
Google has announced that it has begun the process of rolling out the mobile-first indexing to more sites. This rollout is only for sites that “follow the best practices for mobile-first indexing,” Google said. This is the first time Google has confirmed it is moving...

Why You Need Digital Advertising for Your Local Businesses
In recent years, we have seen traditional advertising take the backseat for modern technology. Traditional media companies are now switching their direction and adopting digital, but why? Because there is an extremely large market interested in digital advertising....

Ranking Factors – 2017
Latest 2017 SEO Ranking factors from SEMRush also show that user experience/user engagement is playing more bigger role in the SEO ranking. Off-site marketing strategy like link building are still very critical, and Content is more "King" than ever. Due to the...

What Social Media Monitoring Can Teach You About Your Business
Intro to Social Media Monitoring Have you ever been at a party and caught a person or a group glancing at you while whispering covertly? What’s up with that? Is your fly open? Does someone have a crush on you? Does someone want to throw a drink in your face? You’d...

7 Social Media Tactics for Businesses That Struggle With Social
A strong social media presence is one of the best ways to be heard, and businesses are no exception to this rule. Forget the doorstep; there’s a whole world of potential customers and fans at your fingertips who are actively looking for brands that they can identify...