Online Reputation Management (ORM): The Obvious Problems
If someone reports your company to a consumer watch group, a competitor follows you around leaving negative comments or an angered customer devotes hours to publicly hating you, then it’s pretty obvious you have an online reputation management problem. Is that...
Who cares about your online reputation?
Your online reputation can be seen in a number of ways. Whether you’re seeking employment, selling a product, looking for an investor or trying to score a ate, someone is going to turn to a search engine to learn more about you. The most common groups are: √ Consumers...
Online Reputation Management (ORM) really matters
As you know the problem with Google here is that we all know controversy and drama doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the truth about an issue, company, or individual. And we all know that negative information spreads a lot faster than positive information,...
MAGENTO: GET SKIN URL, GET MEDIA URL, GET BASE URL, GET STORE URL To Retrieve URL path in STATIC BLOCKTo get SKIN URL {{skin url='images/sampleimage.jpg'}}To get Media URL {{media url='/sampleimage.jpg'}} To get Store URL {{store url='mypage.html'}} To get Base URL...
SEO Tips for 2013: Author Rank, Co-occurrence and More
2012 has been a volatile year for the search engine optimization industry. Google released a number of algorithm updates, including the Exact Match Domain (EMD) update, 13 Panda updates, changes to actual search results pages, unnatural link warnings through Google...
11 Google Analytics Tricks to Use for Your Website
(Original post from here. ) Do you know what is the most common question that I get every day on social media, forums or email? "How to get insights about my Google Analytics data?" People approach me saying that they have a Google Analytics account for years, but...
What Google’s Penguin Algorithm Means for Your Business?
Google changes its algorithm about 500 times a year. Most changes are minor, but every couple of months, a major update happens that gets people talking because of the impact it has on ranking results. The two most recent algorithm changes are: Panda: Officially...
Google Algorithm Change History
Each year, Google changes its search algorithm up to 500 – 600 times. While most of these changes are minor, every few months Google rolls out a “major” algorithmic update that affect search results in significant ways. For search marketers, knowing...
7 Reasons You Need a Mobile Website
Smartphones and other mobile devices like tablets are becoming more and more popular, and an ever-increasing variety of models, prices and sizes is beginning to define new and exciting ways in how we communicate. Based on current trends, mobile internet use will...
Mobile Website – Why are mobile sites important?
The world of Internet surfing has expanded over the years. The days of needing a big chunky PC are far behind us and the Internet has moved from just being at the desk to being in every part of our lives. Internet access has expanded dramatically, with WiFi, GPRS, 3G...