Google is putting more focus on “Google Place” search. Basically, Google Place search is showing more local search results along with general search result. As Google said,  20% people use Google search are more interested in local search results.

Show search results by time (such as “past hour”, “past 24 hours”, etc).  In the past, Google search result did not appreciate the new info available on internet as new info is not that “valuable” to old info in the previous Google search algorithm. In another word, business blog, and social website feature will play a big role in new Google search result as they are providing new and timely updates/info.

Allow the users to see the search results from other search engines such as “yahoo, altavista, etc”.

Another important Google search change that is Google is trying to “identify” good business and bad business by introducing the users’ voting option to vote a business from the search result by introducing Google plus (+1).  Gmail users can cast votes or write reviews on businesses once logging in with their gmail account.

Also, with the Google+ project on horizon, Google is giving social network another big shot.